The Addiction - 35MM | Ken Kelsch Memorial
Drama, Horror | 1995 | 82MIN
Abel Ferrara
Lili Taylor
Christopher Walken
Annabella Sciorra
Edie Falco
Screened in tribute to cinematographer Ken Kelsch (1947-2023).
A vampiric doctoral student tries to follow the philosophy of a nocturnal comrade and control her thirst for blood.
Preceded by Talking with the Vampires (20MIN, 2018)
Q&A with Abel Ferrara following 11/04 screening. Guests are invited to gather at the cinema at 6PM to share and hear stories in remembrance of Ken Kelsch.

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Q&A with Abel Ferrara
Filmmaker Abel Ferrara joins us at the Roxy Cinema for a post-film discussion and Q&A following a screening of his 1995 feature, The Addiction. In memory of DP Ken Kelsch.
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